Cesaret Ltd. was established.
The company name was officially registered as Cesur Çuval A.Ş.
Started production of integrated PP small bags.
Entered the global market with its first export.
Production of the first Bigbags (FIBCs) began.
The setup for a 100,000 clean room for hygienic Bigbag production was initiated, and the company obtained ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001 certifications.
The first sales office was established in the United Kingdom.
The company received HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) certification.
The company obtained the BRCGS international certification.
Acquisition of Technopac, a company in Germany.
Commencement of Stretch Hood production using a Blow Film Line.
With new investments, extrusion, weaving, and sewing operations began at the new factory in Bilecik.